Like JJ, one of the best things I've learned how to do is to "pick my battles", not to waste energy or time on things that really don't matter in the end anyway. Put that together with the reality that "this too shall pass", and I find I can get myself through just about anything with more grace and serenity than ever before.

I've also learned not to take life so seriously, to take time to play, laugh, listen to music, colour with my granddaughter...allowing myself to just be - and to do nothing at other words, living life at MY pace as much as possible.

For me, it's all come down to focusing on the basics of my life - like learning how to love God, hubby, others and self better (which usually means learning how to be still and listen more) - and learning how to allow others to love me (which means learning how to let go of the mangled thinking that keeps me from believing in that love).