I, too, have embraced the changing of the seasons lately. After a five year ordeal of caring for elderly parents, they have both passed since Easter. My DH has retired and we're figuring out what to do with the next phase of life. In fact, today, as I sat in our attorney's office (updating wills, etc.) I was captivated watching the wind toss the falling leaves as a storm approached. From there, we visited my BIL who is in the last stages of chirossis of the liver. In fact, they were awaiting their first visit from the hospice nurse. It was oddly peaceful.

I wrote in my journal for an hour after returning home - emotions poured out on the page. We toasted in Autumn at 6:32 p.m. as another storm cell passed over. We sat quitely watching the lightening flash over the dark, whitecapped waves on the lake.

My soul is profoundly at peace tonight. Welcome Autumn