Bonnierose, I like that "ASAP". I love snappy little phrases that I can throw at myself throughout the day. Pattyann gave me "Harm None", which has already become a favourite mantra for me in the few short days since she shared it here. And now your "ASAP" will become another.

When my Dad died unexpectedly in 1999, I really foundered in my faith, a faith which had been profound, life-giving and life-long to that point. I was very angry and hurt that God hadn't "saved" my Dad like I'd seen him save so many other people's loved ones. It took me a long time to forgive Him, although in truth, the whole time I was raging at Him I guess I was admitting there was a Him to rate at, wasn't I!

Anyway, as painful as it was to go through that estrangement, it's that much more joyful to be back Home. Still, when faced with rough people and tough situations, prayer doesn't come as automatic as it used to. Your ASAP will change that! Thanks!!!