If anyone is interested, here is an update. We sold our house and since the buyer wanted it for income property, my husband is going to rent it for my daughter, grandaughter and I for 3 months until we find out what the court wants to do.
Meantime, he is moving to the apartment complex to manage it.
I have three months to decide what to do with the rest of my life.
My desire is for my daughter to get out of trouble and get the help she needs and the three of us to move to the other state where a job, home and support waits.
My parents have been such a blessing to me. I can pick up the phone and call them anytime and they are always there. Dad will be 80 in May and my mom is 74. They are both as sharp as tacks and funny. I love them so much.
Please pray that God will work everything out in his own time and within his will for us.
I'm having a ball with my grandaughter. Today I'm taking her to see the manatees. She brings me great joy.