Dotsie, it is a great article and I look forward to publishing it!

I am currently loading the site (a few days behind schedule due to network access problems locally) to celebrate MOMS!

May is Celebrating Moms month, where devotional writers can submit their favorite picture of themself and their mom and/or child/grandchild for publication and dedication for the series "Mother, May I" - Lessons Learned From Mom. As of today, I have 7 spots open at the end of the month.

In June we are gearing down for fun summer with survival tips for mom and kids.

July features a celebration of family with special emphasis on Blended Families, Adopted Families and single-Parent Moms.

August is back to school issue with Moms giving hearty encouragement to other moms to cope with first days of Kindergarten to first days of college.

September's theme is Falling for You with articles that share with mom the beauty of family togetherness and building memories that can last a lifetime.

In October, will show Moms how to carve out a special place of influence in her child's life.

November finds our writers taking Motherhood to higher levels as they show moms how to incorporate praise, thanksgiving and prayer in their every day relationship with their child.

In December, offers a challenge to create new traditions by encouraging mom to give back to her community by getting her family involved in community service projects at Christmas and all year round.