You asked us to consider an important question - "would it be harmful to Christianity in the U.S. if Jesus is actually buried somewhere?"

In my opinion, I think it would. This has got me thinking about the importance of the resurrection to me. I believe the resurrection to be the cornerstone of my faith - Christ conquered death, He lives eternal. Without the resurrection, Christ is mere man - albeit, a prophet with some great teachings, but mere man none the less. With the resurrection, Christ is the son of God, and more than mere man. This is what I believe. So, finding the body of Jesus still on earth would considerably rock my faith!! To me, it would mean Christianity was built on a lie - and I think that would be devasting to the Christian religion as a whole (not just the U.S.).

Of course, some would probably aruge that you could still have Christianity without the resurrection, by simply focusing on Christ's teachings - and probably some do that already. But for me, personally, it wouldn't be the same faith then.