Hi Everyone,

Mom is still in the hospital. There are signs of improvement, but I don't think I'll be able to take her home before next Thursday.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I hoped we'd be spending it at home. At least I still have her with me.

For those of you who have gone through this or are anticipating going through this, you have to remain flexible. This has been a difficult month, but we went through something similar in July. We were back and forth at the hospital 5 times in 6 weeks. Three of those times she was admitted. I sat by my mother's bedside for the better part of July from the 4th through the first week in August.

This time, I hired someone to spend days with her--this way I can work--and I spend nights except tomorrow when I'll be there all day--no coverage.

It's important to have someone cover for you when you're not there if a loved one is in the hospital so you have eyes and ears. Hospitals make mistakes!

I'm always amused by the reality shows I see on TV. I often think if they really want a reality show, they should follow me (or any caregiver) around for a month. It would be an eye-opener!

I won't have coverage until Monday, so I'll check back then.

Until later . . . [Smile]