F N, I got goose bumps reading your post. I am so sorry you are going through this. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

This is such a huge topic for our generation because if we haven't been through this already, It's yet to come.

Your frustration brings back so many memories of the 6 months Mom suffered with cancer. Fifty, I can relate to your post.

My mother was in doctors care. He told her she had a form of arthritis. Never did any diagnostic testing. Just kept telling her to take pain medications. We have pitcures of her at her granddaughter's graduation party in May with a heating pad on her chest and ribs. During that summer when she continued to call and complain, he blamed it on the humidity. Said all his arthritic patients were complaining. Take MORE pain medication.

She fell in the bathroom in late August. Dad took her to the ER. All's well. they checked her foot because that's what hurt the most.

Told Dad that if her chest didn't feel any better, she wanted him to take her back to the ER.

He did. They did chest xrays. Yup. Broken ribs, not necessarily from the fall. But from cancer eating away at them. Typing this makes me want to vomit. The negligence. And all of us thought Mom's doctor was taking care of her.

She even had a colonoscopy duing the chest pain time due to another issue. We swore she was going to ahve colon cancer, but no, it was the other cancer. the pain in the chest that was causing her to lose weight.

Looking back, I feel so dumb.