Children are God's choice to give us and sometimes it's a difficult choice to accept. We haven't any children but, like the Galatians woman, I have many because I draw them to me.

I think we, men and women, focus on the wrong thing...whether we do or don't have children. For me, it's how can God use me how He's made me for this place in time. Or maybe, how can I *allow* God to use me.

There are many, many organizations that can use a well-grounded woman as a mentor to a child. Such a relationship enriches mentor and mentee and those on the side-lines.

I do agree it's, frequently, hard for folks w/o children to be around folks w/children. In our county, children rule...and I mean that *literally*. Virtually *everything* revolves around, sports, clubs and the entire focus is the child and where/what/when they are participating. Frankly, I think a good dose of "seen but not heard" should apply more frequently especially when being held "hostage" by one of the little darlings or their parent.

Oh Boy...I'm gonna get it now! HaHa