Those are questions we should ask ourselves every day. Sometimes we are like Adam in the graden. He hears God calling his name and he hides himself, because he realizes he's naked. But if we are clothed with Christ, we shouldn't feel naked anymore. Easier said than done...

Mary's yes is exactly why we should strive to be like her. She said Thy will be done. She walked with Jesus everywhere He went. She coaxed Him into doing his first miracle at Cana and told everyone "do whatever He tells you". We should beg for miracles and tell people the same thing. She stood by Him at the foot of the cross, she was there at Pentecost, ready to receive the promised Holy Spirit. I believe she is the model disciple.And I absolutely believe she is the spiritual mother of all believers. Jesus said to John (who represents the beloved, us) "Behold your mother". And John took her into his home that very day. Gives me chills!