By the things I read that you've posted about being childless Di, I am under the impressioin that you have had some miserable, hurtful expereiences regarding this topic. I get from your words a feeling of anger, loss and maybe can see a chip on your shoulder? Why is being childless such an issue? Thousands, no maybe millions are childless and lead active, full, interesting lives filled with other things. Having children doesn't make one any better or different that not having children. We are women, we give to everyone around us no matter their age, gender, nationality or ocupation. We are who we are and having a child does not change who we are. If you're a wonderful happy, giving person then thats who you remain and no child can change that for the better or worse. In other words we are what we are as women, single, married, widowed, divorced, mother or not. Sometimes God chooses for us and he doesn't make mistakes. Just be all that you can be and for those who say they'd give you their kids, they probably mean it, think about it!!! LOL [Big Grin]

[ November 17, 2005, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]