You gals are such a soothing balm for my soul. I wasn't expecting these posts at all, but they have been so heartwarming. I had a very tough morning this morning...and let me warn you that mixing tears with plaster dust is downright messy!

As I was weeping and sanding away, I could hear the Lord calling me outside to sit with Him for awhile. It was such a gorgeous morning, so I was glad to get out there, and sat in the back yard for close to an hour, just pouring out my heart to him...and trying to hear Him telling me to be patient and to keep trusting...and to definitely not run away.

When hubby came out to see if I was okay, we were able to talk and that cleared the air a bit more (well, it did nothing for the plaster dust, but that's tomorrow's job).

My biggest problem is that my hyper-sensitivity seems to be extreme these days, and I'm feeling terribly insecure and emotionally needy for some unknown reason...although it could be the upcoming anniversary of Mom's death, as well as so many drastic changes in routine and environment lately. And hubby's very tired from all the non-stop work he's been doing since I think we're just both immersed in our own individual overload situation right now and our "we-ness" is getting forgotten in the exhaustion.

I don't often ask for help, because there are so many others out there in worse need than I am...but on Saturday morning when I thought I couldn't keep going, I clearly heard the Lord encourage me to "take it to the girls...they'll lift you up". I did, and you did, and it worked. And how can I ever thank you all for being there for/with me like that. You've made a tremendous difference, and it's even more clear how wondrously God really is working through our prayers and connections here!

[ October 05, 2005, 10:46 PM: Message edited by: Eagle Heart ]