Brenda, Your extensive experience of these prescription nightmares would make anyone paranoid of doctors. I had that one similar experience with my Anti-Depressant detox, as well as my GP being unable to hook me up with a therapist or specialists for my ongoing acne and chronic fatigue problems. I've given up on those last two issues for now...I don't have the energy to bother.

With the therapist issue, I was spiraling into a life-death situation and although I had made a strong choice to live and would probably have been okay, I also knew that the subtle suicidal tendencies shouldn't be ignored. I wanted help and when my GP couldn't help, I was determined to find it myself, because I knew what the consequences could be if I didn't. If Dr Q hadn't worked out, I might not have had the energy to pursue the search. Thankfully, I'll never have to worry about that "what if"!

I don't understand the growing care-less-ness of doctors. Is it collective burn-out? An epidemic of futility? I don't know, and don't know what the solution is. We obviously have to become more knowledgeable about our own bodies and become keenly attuned to our intuititiveness about our bodies and what doctors want us to put into them. That shouldn't be our sole responsibility, that's why doctors and pharmacists spend years in medical schools, so we don't have to learn and remember all that medical stuff. But the sad reality is that it's obviously not working the way it's supposed to, so we'll have to pick up some of the onus if we want to keep our bodies as healthy and alive as we know is possible.