Sounds like you're doing great with the exercise. I have been inactive for much longer so about anything looks good to me at this point. After only 3 weeks, I'm up to almost an hour of semi difficult working out. And boy am I glad. The first day I couldn't do much of anything.

In addition to making sure you have enough calories and liquids for exercising, maybe you should make sure you get enough rest between exercise days. My trainer says in the begninning you need as many rest days as exercise days. The rest days are when you really get strong as your muscles scar over.

I did every other day at first and now I'm taking Wed. Sat. and Sun off so I don't over do it.

As to the therapist thing, you would be astounded at the things therapists share about their patients with nurses and other doctors. Possibly worse is the ones who counsel patients for years and know absolutely nothing about them or their condition. They wind up in the hospital from an overdose and the psychiatrist comes in and sometimes doesn't even recognize the patient's name.

Of course there are also those who are truly concerned professionals, but it seems as if one could grow old just trying to find the right one. Hopefully you have some hints.

Thanks for letting me fill in. It was fun.


P.S. Actually psychiatry is my hobby. I am forever amazed at the things perfect strangers tell me in the checkout line. My husband says, "How on earth did you find all that out?" and I say, "Well, they just told me." He says he's known people all his life who have never revealed that much about themselves.

Amateur psychiatry is a nice hobby for a writer, but don't try it at home. [Smile]

[ September 27, 2005, 11:52 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]