Smile, you were right about the napping. LOL. Thanks for filling in.

This is where I still falter...exercise. I was in excellent physical condition while working...running up and down several flights of stairs many times a day (cardio)...carrying heavy computers and monitors everywhere (weight-bearing), long brisk walks every lunch and got off the bus 2-3 busstops early so as to get in another long walk home (not in the icy winter though).

When I crashed, I crashed big-time. The combination of burnout, chronic fatigue, depression and grief all had me bed-ridden for about 3 months. Then it was a very long road back, involving intense mental work. Exercise took a back seat for too long, making it very difficult to come back physically. Add to that panic attacks, paranoia and severe anxiety, which made it almost impossible for me to step outside my front door without hubby by my side. That's where I was when I stumbled into BWS.

Now, because of being here and the healing that's been happening in me through all of you on this site, I've worked my way back to doing two flights of stairs about 10-15 times a day, a good brisk walk outside most days, knee exercises and stretching exercises most mornings. It's still not enough. But it's a start.

One ongoing problem I have is that sometimes the high energy output DRAINS me and puts me in bed for several hours. That's dangerous for me.

Sometimes it energizes me and gives me a delightful boost that lasts for hours. That's good for me. Unfortunately, I never know which way it's going to go before I start outputting the energy. But I always know when the energy drain is the dangerous one, so have to stop immediately and revert back to simple stretching exercises for a few days to replenish that lost energy.

The one thing I know now that I have to do is INPUT enough fuel (food and liquids) to allow for the energy output and still have some energy in reserve.