
So glad to see you back on here and hope your energy has returned somewhat. Love today's post and like alcoholics, we have to know the "triggers" that lead to melt-down. It's even worse when you're fighting depression AND an addictive nature (alcohol, etc.). I am just now getting to the point where I can even try and discover triggers but have seen in the past, leading up to melt-down and trying to pinpoint things I said up to that point, I know that lack of light in my life, especially SAD can lead to many down days for me. I also know that too much stress and anxiety will push me over the edge and is something I'm now trying to work on.

The program I'm participating in has provided me with a wonderful counsellor and a life coach, which have both brought many blessings to me. I start in group therapy tonite for 12 weeks and the request is for you to bring your spouse, significant other and/or support person with you. It's basically to broaden their horizons into depression and anxiety and also give them a group to discuss things that drive them crazy about us.... [Eek!]

I'm both hesitant and glad to have a group of similar people to discuss things with....hesitant in the fact that I have always kept my problems pretty much to myself (heck, I wouldn't even cry in front of my parents when I was a kid!) but also glad to hear someone else's story in that I'm not alone.

I look forward to the other segments of information you'll be sharing before the end of the month and will be truly sorry to see this discussion end.

