Originally posted by Evie:
I believe it has great value for anyone, whether you experience depression or not, because of the journey written throughout the pages. I've come to know me a little better just by getting to know you [Smile]

Evie, Those are very heartwarming words to hear! Thank you!

I've said it here before and will continue to say it, that there is unique power and hope in "wounded healers". We can't ever underestimate the powerful gift that our having "been there" truly is for those who are there now. We witness that healing power constantly here in these forums. Others ARE touched, encouraged, enlightened, changed and healed by our willingness to speak the wisdom that emerges out of the shadows of our own difficult journey through our own woundings.

If my words, my story can help anyone, then it makes everything I've gone through worth every moment of pain. But if my words help to inspire others to speak THEIR wisdom to help others, that's infinitely more than I could ever have hoped for. Because then that puts even more ripples of light and wisdom out there into the darkness where it's so desperately needed.