1. The Broken Self: be aware of how your depression manifests itself:

Mangled Thinking
- Confusion and distorted thinking are crippling symptoms of depression;
- Deafens us to other voices, other possibilities;
- You can map yourself out with Truth, Knowledge and Compassion.

- We hibernate, withdraw from our loved ones out of guilt, shame, fear and inability to cope
- Prepare your network of support – tell people what to expect and how to be there for you
- During the good days, prepare yourself – steep yourself in truth, knowledge and compassion

2. The Repair Kit: Rewire Your Attic with the proper tools:

TRUTH: shines the light of possibility into our lostness and diminishes the hold darkness has over us.
- What are the lies whispering at you from your attic?
- Replace those negative lies with positive core truths (YOUR positive core truths might be worded differently to better fit who YOU are):
** You are lovable and capable.
** Your life matters; you have a unique meaning and niche in this world that nobody else can fill.
** You am more than your depression, depression is not the totality of who you are – define yourself with the truth.
** God has not abandoned you – you are not alone.

SELF-KNOWLEDGE: becomes our map out of the quicksand of mangled thinking.
- Know that you are in control of your choices from this point on.
- Know who you are – and who you’re not.
- Know your core truths to the depth of your being – steep yourself in truth during your good days.
- Know your particular needs and limitations:
** take “downtime” to replenish your energy’s fuel tank.

COMPASSION : is our candle and companion-along-the-way in the blinding darkness.
- Dare to believe that there is no such thing as being “beyond redemption” are loved unconditionally.
- Caress your woundedness with your own understanding and compassion.
- Forgive yourself for being wounded.
- Become your own best friend.
- Celebrate who you’ve become and all it has taken for you to get to your “here and now”.

3. The reward? Eventually mapping your way out of the quicksand, finding your own piece of that "dazzling sky" (thanks, Meredith) and freeing within you your own wings to carry you there.

[ September 09, 2005, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Eagle Heart ]