My husband did the frozen peas thing, too! Like many guys, he was wary about getting "snipped"--that's what he called it--but I pulled a Lysistrata on him. In other words, I told him, "No vasectomy, no sex." I'd hemorrhaged on the IUD, gone crazy on the Pill, had one very painful miscarriage, and had all the kids either he or I wanted. I felt like it was his turn to take responsibility for birth control. Still, as I said, he was not excited about the prospect of having his manhood tampered with by some doc. But, being the sweet guy he is, he started researching the topic; and in the process, he mentioned the idea to his carpool. Every one of the guys--I think there were three--said, "Oh, I had that done years ago. No big deal." That's all my hubby needed to hear. A few weeks later, he was sitting on the couch with those frozen peas in his lap. [Wink]