One of the things that we found in writing the book is that the words "panic attack" were often used to describe other episodes. I know I wrote this earlier, but in case some didn't see it, here it is again, straight from the DSM:

A panic attack is a discrete period in which there is the sudden onset of intense apprehension, fearfullness, or terror, often associated with feelings of impending doom.

I understand the "rush" or the "thrill" that Smile wrote about. Having been a performer for many years, I often experienced that rush of adreneline, but having also experienced panic attacks, I found them to be quite different.

The thrill of performing has a quality of apprehension and, as I mentioned the rush of adreneline, but I don't believe it includes the absolute terror, or the impending doom of a panic attack. Even the word thrill is associated with a positive experience.

That said, I do believe it is always good to pursue those things that might make you feel anxious. I do think you experience a tremendous amount of empowerment everytime you do it (even if you experience panic during the still did it!)
