My panic attacks happen when I go out of my comfort zone and I am not in control of things around me thus needing a medical excuse to get out of Jury duty recently. I am totally unfamiliar with the downtown area, parking garages and the walk one must take to the court house some distance asway, restrooms (my first priority always)where they are and if there are enough for a crowd of people. I actully would have foind Jury duty fascinating but could not go because I would have lost it, I know that for a fact. Otherwise I am just fine so can't see the need for any drugs....Also one or more of the ladies mentioned their cancer being caued by something they did or lack of faith on thir part. Maybe I'm wrong but I was always taught that God was merciful,loving and caring and that he protected us when he could. I was also taught that the DEVIL caused us illness to test our faith and see if he could make us renounce God for our misfortune...I choose to believe that the DEVIL is the beast causing our misfortunes and God allows it because he must and it gives us the chance to really trust in him and make our faith stronger, some die and I bet they are met with peace, love and light and God with his loving arms outstretched, welcoming them home..