Hi All, Francine wrote:
"I believe there are no accidents in life ... that God orchestrates everything. there are times when we are hit by such strong emotions that, while they may be a result of our own issues, they may also be an indication that there is someone else out there who is struggling with the very same issue. "
I believe that. I used to be very private, to the point of being shy and tongue-tied. I used to think I was anti-social, but now there is a term which is "social phobia." I was always afraid of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, so I said nothing. I censored myself to the point of silence. I was thinking about how self-revealing I am these days. Yesterday I was telling myself to shut up because I am too revealing! What I realized is that it is no longer about me, but what can I do for another? I may never know if there is someone else struggling with a subject I speak about, but if there is, I at least can let her know she is not alone. Thanks for putting this into words. You actually helped me with what I was asking myself yesterday! Love and Light, Lynn