Eagle Heart:

I'm pretty much speechless -- and that's unusual, lol.

I believe there are no accidents in life ... that God orchestrates everything. Obviously, he had a few notes for both of us to listen to yesterday. I'm so glad you were able to handle your interview exactly as you'd prayed. Yes, we can be answers to others' prayers.

I have another author friend who introduced me to something that I used yesterday. She believes that there are times when we are hit by such strong emotions that, while they may be a result of our own issues, they may also be an indication that there is someone else out there who is struggling with the very same issue. And so, whenever she is struggling with something that seems to come out of nowhere, she begins praying for "whomever" may be struggling with something similar. I did the same thing. I asked God to comfort one who might be dealing with anxiety or fear. Now both my friend and I never expect to know who that person is but maybe, just maybe my prayers were for you. Obviously, I had nothing to do with it -- it was God's way of ministering to me and in some way ministering to someone else. It's part of that nudging we sometimes feel. Like thinking of a person whom we haven't thought of in a long time -- a worry about someone we've not been in touch with, etc. -- I've come to learn that when I get these nudgings, I pray for that person. Sometimes I find out that they were struggling with something. Sometimes I don't. But it doesn't matter. It's part of "reaching beyond our pain" to help or pray for others.

Thank you Eagle Heart ... you've blessed me by sharing this.

Blessings, Francine