This may be a good time to mention this.

I've never been crazy about bridges, but have bombed over them without too much anxiety. Never turned around, never found a different route, always went for it.

Now a friend enters the picture who hates driving over bridges. She does it, but can't stand the thought, worries for days prior, etc. I made the mistake of asking her how she felt when her car finally hit the bridge and she was air born. I never should have asked. I internalized her behavior.

Shortly after learning about my friend's fear and panic I was heading to Virginia Beach with my daughter, following another mom and daughter for a mother/daughter getaway. She told me the week prior that we would go via the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, Tunnel, Bridge, Tunnel, Bridge. There is such a thing. I began fretting, and when I fret I pray. So I prayed that I wouldn't panic. I told my husband my fear. I asked him to PLEASE pray for me. This was RIDICULOUS. I never had this problem before listening to my friend's story. Crazy thing, I've done the bridge, tunnel, bridge before and it was way cool.

Get this- the morning of the adventure we show up at the other mom and daughter's home and she announces, "we're taking another route". No bridge-tunnel! God answers prayers.

But the crazy thing is that I was so worked up about it.

Why is that?

This is where the nature/nurture thing enters. I believe we can make worry warts out of our children. Do you? And does worry warting create panic attacks?