I have panic and anxiety attacks constantly. For me, its when I start to get restless and bothered by whatever is surrounding me. I'm not comfortable in my own skin. I can't concentrate on anything. My breathing becomes more shallow. I see as if I have blinders on (only what is in front of me) and it's hard to focus on any particular thing. If I let the attack continue, my BP will go up along with my pulse. My head will start to hurt and I can't concentrate on what anyone is saying to me. If I continue to let the attack go on, I will strike out verbally at anyone close to me and my body will become very stiff as I try to hold myself still. I become very tense.

For the most part, I don't ever let myself get that far in an attack, unless I've forgotten to bring my meds along or I'm driving at the time and can't take my meds. Yes, I've had those attacks while driving.

I've had so many, that I can recognize even the subtle symptoms at first and can nip my attacks before they ever get going. I use distraction techniques, breathing exercises and medication. Ativan is my med of choice for panic/anxiety attacks.

Welcome to Jeanne and Julie. I look forward to this month's chat. Where can I go to buy your book?