Oh Loriiii,

Before you came along and caused me to """spill the beans,""" JJ and I had been planning the First Annual Boomer Tour, Nude calendar, and Thong Escapade.

The plan is to travel around the country picking up boomers and photographing the nude calender.
Meredith can lead the California sleaze tour and jj can lead the Confederate soldier tour.
Then when all us fabulous boomers are pooped from posing for the calendar and... Well, anyway, that's when we'll circle back by the Oprah show to model our tatoos and our new thongs on national TV.

Of course we'll need a man to drive or else we'll never get past the bathroom stop so our plan was to take the Chippendale dancers along. They can drive and "inspire" us. And I'm thinking margaritas on tap.
Being the martyr type, I'm going to let the Chips sit on my lap while JJ (the intellectual type) interviews them for a book.

We were going to kidnap Dots and the sleaze tour was a secret. It was YOU, that caused me to reveal it BTW. So now YOU'LL have to come along to keep Dots under control cause if we ever get her past the Rockies, WATCH OUT WORLD!!!

Hmmm. You think Trixie would do as a hood ornament?? Okay, okay, it was just a thought. If we don't keep her busy, she'll try to steal the chips for sure.

[ May 25, 2005, 01:56 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]