When is the sleazeball tour. I can hardly wait. I'm guessing husbands aren't invited!

Lori, your take on all inclusives is interesting. Having three teens, we looked at it from the perspective of being a less expensive way to feed all of us. We didn't take advantage of the booze. Fortunately, the place we stayed wasn't a haven for young drunks. There were lots of families.

jj, I'd love to get to Alabama, and I don't care about sight seeing. All I want to do is meet you!

Diane, I'll take you up on your tour. I've just got to get my kids in college, then I'll be able to hit the road.

My son made it to Rome. He's was going to Vatican Square today. He called yesterday. I could tell by how quickly he was talking that he was having a blast. This is my son that's majoring in Finance. He mentioned how expensive everything was several times. I told him to use some of his skills and be frugal!

Smile, when do you leave on your trip?