Oh, the excitment of an impending trip. A road trip -- the best kind. Pulling out of your driveway and heading across pieces of America. With your grandson. Savor every moment, Smile. What a gift that you're able to do this.

On all of our journeys, especially the "Ribbons" journey, I made sure the kids were supplied with sketch pads and journals. They recorded some remarkable insights and images, as I'm sure Alex will, as well. You may end up with art suitable for framing. Hope you've got the wall space!

So, you're a runner, too. Cool beans. Was your ankle surgery to repair a running injury? Injury comes with the territory, especially as you get older, but you just heal up and get back out there. I look at every mile as a gift, and I enjoy the heck out of every outing. I look forward to finding out what's wrong with me this time, learning what I need to do to fix it, then hitting the road again.

Is your husband excited about your trip?