Thank you for that uplifting post. This morning I really needed that reminder of what traveling does for the spirit.
I have been so excited about our little cross country trek with Alex, but somehow yesterday I began to lose my confidence. I had a stupid home accident, missed an appointment, and almost had a car accident. Seemed like my brain disconnected and I just wanted to cry.
I became frightened of being on the road with such valuable cargo. I am also doing some other things that are out of my comfort zone and I became overcome with self doubt.
But your post reminded me this morning of how I have found joy and new confidence in venturing out of my cozy little nest to travel and how I might again find new confidence.

On another note, as the resident pseudo scientist, I think there is physiological basis for the psychological benefits of ground travel.
I worked with some psychologists from Yale who were researching the effects of the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy following the Oklahoma City bombing. I was a part of their study and I am here to tell you it works!
Later a friend went through a very serious health trauma and had to travel for further care. Because he was too ill to fly, we traveled by train. He looked out the window all the way. When we arrived at our destination, his symptoms were absolutely gone. His spirit was lifted and he was looking at the world through whole new eyes.
I kind of put the two together and came up with a theory. I think because our body's fight or flight response to adrenalin is suppressed, it turns to stress. Men and women can no longer just get into a fist fight to settle differences or run away from the psychological dangers of the work place or home. Instead we must all manipulate our way to the top and through family's problems. So the adrenalin with no physical outlet builds up in our bodies and becomes stress which makes us physically, emotionally, and spiritually sick.
I think if we can trick our brains into believing we have either fought the adversary or run away we will be healthier in every way. Air travel only seems to add more stressors and does not give the same benefit as perceiving the roadside passing by.
Ground travel gives us some of the same benefits as running away from danger and seems to be the most beneficial. Maybe it is the same benefit from running and walking.
When traveling we go back to our natural state. We run until we're tired then we rest. We move until we're hungry then we eat. We run from the dangers of every day life and return renewed and stronger.

Just another of my crazy theories.

[ May 20, 2005, 01:29 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]