Lori, sweet article. It brought tears to my eyes. It's happened to me too. Both boys.

I love how you are getting the word out about your book. Very creative!

Here's another contact for you:
Carol, a freelance journalist in Baltimore, is also the managing editor of the travel web publication, JustSayGo.com (www.justsaygo.com). Writers are always welcome to submit their contributions. Visit the site to get an idea of what they're all about, and then send your stories to Carol at submit@justsaygo.com. To subscribe to the JustSayGo.com newsletter too, send an email to newsletter@justsaygo.com. CArol is a friend of mine. Tell her I sent you.

Our son is heading to Italy, Switzerland, and France in a couple weeks with the business department from his school. Any hot tips?

Dianne, I think it would be fun for him and his buddies to hook up with your sister.