Another quick Mother's Day-themed post before the sun sets on the holiday -- published this in its Traveling Today department, and I'm sure many of you will be able to relate to this "when did my kid grow up? (because I certainly haven't gotten any older)" moment:

So much to talk about -- and topics I want to get back to, like safety, villa rentals, traveling with kids and grandkids, things to see in D.C.. And, I do want to answer a question that smilinize asked in an early post about my most memorable adventure. I've got a story for you, and it takes place in Tibet...

Dianne, I am very intrigued by your sister's success at running an English-language tour business in Provence and Paris. I'd say she has the dream job. I'll definitely link to her blog in a future "France post" on my blog. And, I will get in touch with her and tell her that you sent me.

I see you are a domestic violence survivor and activist. Kudos for being strong enough to get out, move on and help educate others about the issue. Have you ever heard of the White Ribbon Society, an international organization that began in Canada with the mission to stir men to action against any type of violence against women? I wrote an article about a year ago about a men's church group here in my town that hosts a White Ribbon campaign and pledge night every year. Their goal is to gather the men and boys in our town, share stories about the impact of abuse, and to have them take a pledge stating that they will not tolerate violence against women and will speak out publicly against it. I'll try to dig up a link to that story (but given its age, the link may be dead).

I hope everyone's day is going well. It's a gloomy Mother's Day here in Boston, but sun is promised for tomorrow. (Hey, there's a song in there somewhere...)