I think, Lynn, that that's what God meant when he said he'd wipe every tear away. At that final moment, I believe we are healed of everything - physically, emotionally and whatever else might have tortured us in this lifetime. After all, God became Man and endured awful things so that we can ultimately be healed of all things. NDE is fascinating to me, especially because I long for the love, light and laughter of heaven.

Jesus tried to get the message across when asked about what the most important commandment was, and He responded to love God above all, and love everyone else next. Pretty much sums it up right there.

Lynn - I'm so happy you've the confidence to review books! Be true to yourself, though - don't let worrying about what others think deter you from stating your honest opinion. My only problem with being a professional reviewer is the backlog that builds up at time. It never fails that several books arrive all at once, even though the requests have been spaced out...go figure. When I returned from Florida the last time, there were 12 books waiting for me; and since I've returned, 8 more have come in, though some of the requests are two months old.

I'm not complaining, though; because of my reduction in income, I still get to do one of my most favorite things in all the world - READ!!!

The interviewing is so interesting to me. I have my interview with Joyce Faulkner to transcribe, and she was wonderful and fascinating--as are most people when you take the time to stop and dig into their heads.

I have both The DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons, but I haven't read either one yet--they were two I bought several months ago, but because of the number I get to review, I haven't had time!