Hi Dotsie, yes, my counselors have read my book. Both Karens were supportive and encouraging to me about getting this book published. I have been in contact with Karen #1 (who told me I HAD to write my story) since we first met in 1978. When I had cancer, I had a desire to visit several people who had been important and instrumental in guiding my life. My husband and I drove to Utah from Missouri to see Karen, who I hadn’t seen in about 18 years. Our time together was awesome! Everything I had felt and thought about her since our initial meeting still applied. She is a warm, loving, and genuine woman. She now works at a Shriner’s Hospital in Utah, which is just like her to devote her life to the most vulnerable. The second Karen, who I met in the 90’s, uses my book as “homework” to her clients, and has used passages from the book as writing examples to her own writer’s group. Other counselors I’ve known have recommended my book to their clients. I did a presentation at a mental health conference sponsored by Pfizer (a manufacturer of one of the anti-depressants). The audience consisted of about 100 mental health professionals. So my focus was on what a difference they make. I think that is a good idea to speak at mental health conventions. I’d like a speaking agent to set this up!