Hi Dianne, I was thinking about your message while on my walk today. You have great communication skills, evidenced by your writing and speaking, and on the message boards. What a waste of your skills if you tried to be quiet! We are all much better off because you could not be other than who you are. Bravo! I went to 3 kindergartens in one year. When I look back on that I realized it was so hard to be the new kid 3 times. In the middle kindergarten, the teacher wrote: "Lynn talks a lot, and in a loud voice." My mother laughed, because at the time it was true. Evidently, I had a need to communicate, and the loud voice was developed in order to be heard above my very loud relatives. My mother told me to just "tone it down a bit." Shortly after that, I withdrew into quiet. The women said of Oprah, when she was a child, "That girl sure can talk a lot!" and look at her now!