Eagle, I have to add something. I had to practice the feeling of normal and belongingness in other places. For example, I went back to college in my forties. Talk about not belonging! Although the college I went to had a 36% enrollment of "non-traditional" students (those over the age of 26) I still felt as though I did not belong on campus with the youngsters. Every day I would tell myself that I did not have to measure belonging in reference the THEM. I only had to consider belonging in reference to God's family, and God sent me to school, therefore I belonged. Last night I went to a meeting to sign up as a volunteer for CASA. I am in a new community, and I know no one, so my sense of belonging is really rocked off its foundation. But I put into my heart the sense of belonging in the family of God. Our new boomer friend Leagh wrote "life is lived to serve life" and I kept that phrase in mind last night, thinking, I am here to serve life, therefore I belong. I did have vague feelings of being different because I am an artist, author, and educated as a social worker, and the other volunteers were retired Air Force. But I turned that vague feeling of being different into acknowledgement of my unique self. So, I had to stretch my self to enlarge my concept of where, and to whom, I belong. I'm not suggesting or implying anything. I am just relating my experience. I have to acknowledge that you are coming close to your boomer friends in feeling like you belong here. You do belong, Eagle, and we are enlightened and enriched by your posts and your presence. You bring so much Love and Light to the forums that it is nearly palpable. Thank you for reaching out to your boomer friends. I hope I can in some way reinforce your feelings of belonging; we will not abandon you, that's for sure. I, for one, am honored that you trust us with a sense of belonging!