speaker, have you signed anything yet? I ask this because I spent over 6 months working with an agent (never signed anything). I mer her and all. I got excellent advice. I wrote my proposal to suit her. She planned on sending it to publishers before her medical leave, but was overworked and couldn't get to it. Then she went on medical leave, which turned out to be more of a permanent leave. She turned her work over to her husband (the head of the agency) and he didn't click with my project. Huh?

I found this to be totally unfair. What man would click with this project? It's all about women for heaven's sake.

There were some unbelievable emails and phone conversations, but guess what? He was the boss. I remained professional and diplomatic throughout, which wasn't easy. I lost out. I still can't believe it. This is a highly reputable NY agency. Be careful about doing too much before you sign.

I am fortunate to have signed with another agent. I think she's perfect for my project.