Really enjoying all the insight here. I think as a "reader", I can appreciate all the research you pour into your work. Every reader should take some time once in awhile to read about "how" the author wrote the book - where did the idea come from? what kind of research, etc? I know now that I have a greater appreciation for the author when I read a well written novel.

A couple of questions:

1) Does the plot always turn out the way you conceive it at the beginning, or do your characters begin to take you down twists and turns you hadn't originally planned? ie are you ever surprised yourself at the outcome?


2) How does one get an autopgraphed copy of your book? (or do I have to wait for Miss Pinkie to pick me up one at Book 'Em?) [Smile]

oh, and a third question - what kind of drugs are you on? [Big Grin] If you can spare any energy, I'll take it!