Now that I have someone reading with me, how about page xxii where he says,

"New answers don't come from what you already know in the computer part of your brain. They come from a change of heart, from seeing life differently, from the unknown, quieter part of yourself."

Don't know about you gals but I know some people my age who think they have it all going on and have arrived. No need to do self reflection because they are BUSY. Life is FULL and one thing runs right into the other. [Eek!] Whatever works.

I think we can't reflect until we are able to get quiet, hunker down (in my case, it's with the Lord) and then you do get new answers. Things you may have never quite imagined. Fortunately I've had many a change of heart during those times. Still more work to go, but I agree with him on this one!

Any thoughts?