Dear Pam,

Sincerely and from my heart, I LOVED your mystery! I was so caught up in it last night that I had to finish it before I went to bed. Your characters are wonderful and I enjoyed getting to know them, and can see where you could have many spin off stories to continue your series. Who are you going to write about next? I loved the book shop couple, and your hero sounds so yummy!

Anyway, I am gushing, but wanted you to know how good I think this book is. I am recommending it to my husband. You write in the style of Sue Grafton, and I don't think her first book was near as well put together as yours.

Please let me know when your second book comes out. One question? Is this from a regular publisher or a POD? Doesn't' make a difference to me, but just curious.

Keep up the good work Pam.
