Daphne, I too would love to spend less time ont he people who drain me. Unfortunaely, my boss is a drainer. So hard to eliminate that one!

But time is so precious that it is important to find the balance between alone rejuvenating time and time pent with friends and family.

I too, am looking to find a bit of balnce in my life in 2005. The blance between love and money, family and me. I am a giver and will give till my tank of energy is drained. I am working on keeping a bit in reerve and then filling up before it gets empty again. Sounds easy but it is very hard for me to do.

I am also going to work on a better physical me with diet (not too bad currently) and keep the menopausal rages to a minimum. I'm really not sure how to do this but I hate it and need to find a more peaceful way to handle the hormonal fluxes.

You speak wisely of working on ourselves in the coming year.
