Yes, Dotsie, I think something may be going on with the posts. Don't know what it is.

Grandmother God is my term for the Divine Feminine who lives in us all. On one level, she's the internalized Wise Woman--the gift of the positive mothers and mentors and friends who have nurtured us in finding our wisdom. She's the voice, too, who, dares to stand in the face of all those messages we've internalized from the culture and/or our families: the "be perfect" message, or the "youth and beauty are the only things that matter" message, or the "you really have to earn your place on the planet by suffering" message--You probably have your own version of those thought patterns, but they keep us being able to live life joyfully and accept ourselves with equanimity and compassion.

This season is a time to listen for our Grandmother God. When we're beleaguered by expectations to over-function and to ignore symptoms of physical limitations like fatigue and overwhelm that often plague us in December, we know we're really longing for something else--a new way of being in the world.

Hope that clarifies it a little. Anyone's thoughts?