Is there an end in sight?

Short answer: NO!!!!!

It gets better, but my children sure know how to manipulate! When the youngest one and her new husband bought their house (aka the Money Pit), in March they never exactly asked for money, but they made sure we knew they could use some. And Daddy is usually ready to comply!
The older daughter is about to turn 30, has her own house, which is NOT a money pit, so things are a little better with her. But, she lives nearby and certainly spends a lot of time mooching meals, having us take care of her dog while she works, etc. etc. I'm not complaining because I love having her so close after the 11 years she spent in Texas, but we would definitely have a lot more expendable income if we weren't sharing so much of it with the kids. I guess I really don't mind, though. They're great kids, and if we're able to help, I'm glad to do so. I remember what it was like to be young and very broke. Now we're older and broker that we could be. [Smile]