#5 Don't think about anything, just pack your bags as soon as he leaves for a couple of hours and leave. Go to the nearest police station and ask where the women's crisis shelter is. They will take you there. You will be safe there, it isn't listed so he won't know where you are. You and your grandchildren are in danger. You are in an abusive situation where he is setting you up to use you as his financial support after he retires. He is using the threat of throwing you out to control you. Beware of cycles where he is nice and you fall for him all over again--they will be quickly followed by periods of abuse. We will all support you, encourage you and pray for you. Be bold, take action, protect yourself and leave before something really bad happens to you or your grandchild.

My advice--don't wait for plan B. Get out and then make plans. If he comes home drunk and forces you to go on another joy ride--you might not ever get to plan B. Go now, go quickly.