Both stepchildren are with us because their mother left them. I met Gary6 months after his marriage ended, so it was nothing on his part. She had an affair and he made her choose, him and the kids or this new fella. She left. Remarried had another kid, divorced yet again and is now living the life of riley in a lovley house in a lovey area with a man that has his own business etc etc And we are struggling. I wont go to much into it though cos I could rant on and on for and ya dont want that.
That was 9 years ago. And here we are. Struggling with a lazy 16 yr old boy whos been out of school 3 months and not bothered to find a job. And a nasty vindictive brat. I know at the end of the day your going to say well of course she is like she is cos her mother left her and had her every other week. But I cant come to grips as to why she is nasty to her dad and myself. If it wasnt for him she wouldnt have a home. She knows full well its her mothers fault that the marriage ended. And has told me she doesnt blame me as its "ALL HER FAULT" Up until a few months back I was willing to have her here full time, because thats what she wanted. But then she turns on me for no apparent reason.