I hate to break your bubble, Virginia, but we're dealing with two very, very immature people. The situation has gotten worse...in fact, it's gotten so bad that I've decided to back out of any interfacing with G and M. Not only has G still refused to apologize to me for anything, he has called me a liar and now has started changing his story about what happened when he slammed down the phone on me. G and M thought they were going to come here and continue on as if nothing happened without have to do any repairs for damages they've done to us...when Larry told G that he still is required to apologize to me, Grady wanted to know what for and then began a character assanation about me to his father. It's gotten quite rediculous. In order to keep my husband out of the middle, which unfairly so he was for quite some time, I've asked him to tell G the next time he wants to tear me down to tell him that I'm off limits and if he can't say anything good about me then he will not say anything at all...(my mamaw used to tell me that)....anyway, I don't discuss G anymore with my husband unless he brings him up. What's made this even more sad is G's wife, M, who is pregnant told Larry the other night that all this stress is bad for her and the baby and she needs not to be stressed. She knows Larry is very tender hearted and can be easily manipulated and made to feel guilty and is using her pregnancy as an emotional blackmail with him...he may not see it, but I can...the moment M was pregnant she used her pregnancy to get out of doing her housework, being close to her husband (her words to me...she only had sex so she could get pregnant), and when she doesn't want to do something she'll say she's sick.
The bottom line here girls is I'm too old to be playing these games and my husband is tired of being used by G and now manipulated by them. We had a very good discussion about what's going on with larry's mom the other night...she said G called her and tried to complain to her about me and she told him she wasn't getting in the middle of it (way to go, mom). We had never really sat her down and told her everything and when we did, she was supportive and shocked at G's behavior not only to his dad but to me. She knows how supportive and giving and loving I've been to her grandson. I never, ever, ever, ever treated him like a red-headed step-child (that was a saying from when I was a kid...and a step-child, myself). My step-mom was a witch and I promised I'd never be like that if I ever became a step-mom and I haven't...But I have become firm in not letting G and M bully me and Larry and I will continue to hold that stance, even if it means G and M are out of my life forever. When people are distructive to our lives, even if family, they need to be held at bay so they do no more damage to one's family. G and M are still young (early 20's) and have a lot to learn...my letting them walk all over us is not what I want to teach them...or allow them to do. If I allow this, then they'll do it for the rest of my life...that isn't going to happen.