Chick, Yes I did tell him my story about being adopted and he could have cared less, he actually walked out of the kitchen while I was talking. This morning while I was out my husband told the boy that there would be a family meeting on my husband's next day off. The child is not working today and has been home all day and has been too nice. I think he's scared of another meeting. He should be. I went to the bakery store where he works today and did not seek out this young lady, but she came to me and started talking about all the bad things the boy has been doing on the job. With that information and some papers he left laying out, words to a song he was writing I've made the decision to tell my husband he has to go, now! That will happen on my husband's next day off, Monday I pray. I have found 6 different places either for kids who are troubled or homeless shelters that he can take him too. I refuse to live any longer in fear of my life. He can live there until he gets his next paycheck on May 4th and buy his own ticket anywhere he wants to go. We do not have the money to buy the ticket ourselves. We literally live paycheck to paycheck with no savings.
Thank you for adding us to your prayer list, that means so much to me, you'll never know!
You all are the best.