I think the standards you've set for yourself are excellent and I wouldn't lower them, if it were me. Think of it like this...if you've ever had a choice whether or not to buy that dress you just loved, or get the one that's "okay" simply because it was cheaper, and you bought the one that was cheaper... how satisfied were you with the decision you made? If you are like me, you would wear it, but every time you did, you thought about the one that you REALLY wanted. Thus, you were NEVER satisfied with the cheaper one and usually ended up letting it just hang in the closet, or give it away. Course when you go back to get the other one, its gone. eh?

I think about what Daddy always told me and that was, "you deserve the best if you BELIEVE you deserve the best."

I also think that you made a very wise decision by dropping the guy who shop-lifted. A person that will steal, will do anything and in my opinion, could NEVER be trusted.

Have I ever been with someone that we "connected?" Yes, once. I let him get away for the cheaper version. Sigh...