Nope Natasha you certainly are not the only one. Between my second (he died) marriage and my third I stayed celibut for 14 years. Then married thinking I needed sex and looked forward to it BUT was wrong, he was unable or unwilling who knows? So actually I have been celibut for over 20 years and date and have a very active social life not missing anything....A good friend of mine and I met the same man at the same time and he and she dated and had sex. I said no and that if thats what he wanted then "bye bye, see ya!" Well the good Lord was watching ovewr me because this was the only man my friend slept with and she has recently tested positive for HIV at the age of 50 something. Think about this the next time you have a hankering for some slap and tickle. Buy a vibrator, they work well and do not infect you or cheat on you either. [Eek!]