Jen, Dot's last response is so true. When I first started off here, I was a wreck trying to decide whether or not to continue with excuses for the lump of dung I thought I loved. These women, especially JJ and Chatty, lit into me so good that I didn't have a choice but to revisit exactly what was keeping me in the 'second best' mode.

I must admit, I did see him several more times afterward ( too cowardly to admit this in the forum prior, LOL). But, after reading all of the input, I was with him with my eyes wide open. The sparks that kept me thinking of him were dull, and now just gone. Everything, especially the Chatty input, was true about him. Each time he came up with a reason for his ill-behaviors, I thought about what had been presented to me here.

You can always go into the archives to take a look at those chats. Very interesting stuff there. Or, do what Dots suggested, get the book.

Good luck with that fragile heart of yours. Remember, you only have one.
