He's changed and maybe he never was that nice to begin with.
Reading your post this is what I hear. It may be wayyy off the mark but only you know that.

Not into you Page 8
By Liz
WE go out with someone, we get excited about them, and then they do something that mildly disappoints us. Then they keep doing a lot more things that disappoint us. Then we go into hyper excuse mode because the last thing that we want to think is that this great man that we are so excited about is turning into a creep.


(English Translation!)
WE go out with someone, we kid ourselves that we have finally found the elusive “perfect man”, and then they do something, less than perfect, that mildly disappoints us. Something so petty so insignificant that any decent woman wouldn’t even notice it, let alone get upset about it. But, even then, instead of talking with him in a civil manner about the issue we sulk and brood over it and wonder why he’s so “insensitive” that he cant read our minds. Then they keep doing a lot more petty things that disappoint, petty, finicky girls like us. Then we go into hyper excuse mode because the last thing that we want to think is that this perfect man that we are so excited about is the usual, good man, quality man, but definitely not a perfect man.

How desperate for a man were you? Any man? And how desperate were you to believe that he was a perfect man?
Personally I think you should move on too. But not before answering yourself one vital question. Is he good enough for you, not as he was, but as he is right now.
If the answer is no then move on. If the answer is "I'm happier on my own" then move on. I'f the answer is, "I'm not happy as is but I'm happier with him than without him then stick around.
Perfect he isn't. HOw good is up to you.